How to Compound Wealth by Investing only in the Top 1% Companies of the World

with time-tested strategies used by value investors worldwide

  • Unlock the Blueprint to a Robust Portfolio: I'll guide you through the step-by-step process of constructing a growth-oriented portfolio brimming with global powerhouses—businesses so scalable and expandable, they're practically begging to make you money.

  • Be Your Own Fund Manager: Imagine navigating any market condition—bull, bear, or sideways—like a pro. I'll elevate your investment skills so you're not just a casual player, but a savvy Growth Investor capable of independently managing your portfolio through thick and thin.

  • Get Insider Access to a Treasure Trove of Wisdom: No more shooting in the dark. I'll throw open the doors to my Growth Vault, packed with 25+ meticulous case studies focusing on the cream of the crop—companies listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ that make up the top 1% of global businesses.

Is this program suitable for you?

If you want:

  • to diversify your wealth in USD,

  • to grow your wealth in line with business growth of top 1% companies of the world,

  • to build an all-weather portfolio that is sustainable, resilient and highly profitable,

Then, listen up! I'm about to lift the curtain on the game-changing strategies I've mastered for building a powerhouse Growth Portfolio—and guess what? You won't need a PhD in chartology or be a wizard with technical tools to get it right. It's all about smart, straightforward tactics that really work. 📊🚀

Investment Success Is Often "Borrowed Genius"

I wish I could say that I’m a genius in investing or I’m born with this skill. 

But, the fact is ... I’m not. 

Personally, I come from a working class family and I wasn’t educated, trained, or groomed to be an investor. But realising the need to invest, I decided to learn about it through books and materials written by or about successful investors. 

The main investor that I studied is ... Warren Buffett. Of which, I learnt that Buffett’s investing principles are simple, relevant, logical, and highly relevant in today’s markets which are increasingly volatile and highly uncertain. 

Investors who “copied” Buffett had built sustainable wealth. Millions who did not “copy” are still counting thousands, tens of thousands or even more in capital losses.

What Buffett Does that are Different from the Other 99% in the Stock Market?

The differences in thought process between Buffett and many others are likened to “day and night” and are the basis that determines “success and failure”.

To name a few, they are as follows:

Why is This Important to You?

The above is only important to you if you are sincere in growing and protecting your wealth.

Often, many failed to build a meaningful portfolio that generates dividend income and grow sustainably in value as they buy or sell stocks based on tips, rumours, recommendations, target prices, and their emotions.

They do not realise that such is the #1 reason for their thousands or even millions in capital losses.

So, if you know how to set up a proper system to build, manage and grow your stock portfolio in all market conditions, you would not only avoid many costly “rookie mistakes” but also enhance your chances of capital appreciation + dividends.

What is the Art of Value Investing and Why Does it Work So Well?

Value investing is about buying great businesses (stocks) and accumulating as much shares as we can over the long-term when they are undervalued. 

The reason of it working so well for so many value investors is: Value investing is about making decisions based on facts from credible sources from annual & quarterly reports, press releases and investors’ presentations.

An investor is required to study a stock’s business model, financials, management team and growth initiatives and assess its valuation before deciding on the investment. 

With them, I personally do not need to rely on stock tips, buy-sell calls, trade alerts, rumours, remarks, predictions, and charting softwares to make investment decisions and build my portfolio. 

I can form my own conclusion and invest independently.

and, that is freedom.

I Began as a Dividend Investor

There are 2 main types of Value Investing: Dividend Investing and Growth Investing.

I started off as a Dividend Investor (still am today) because I find that dividend investing is easier and perfect for beginners who want to build a stream of passive income from their stock portfolio. 

In my initial years as an investor, my portfolio was small. I earned trickles of dividends and experienced small capital gains / losses. But, these experiences are pivotal and educational. 

Of which, I discovered that the most efficient & effective method to enjoy good dividend yields + capital gains + wealth diversification from MYR is to invest in the top 1% companies in Singapore.

Then, as years went by ... I built a stock portfolio filled mainly with the top 1% companies in Singapore and today, I earned regular dividends in 8-9 months every single year, regardless where the stock market or the economy is heading. 

To name a few, here are 3 stocks that I’ve actually invested in, the actual price I’ve bought, and the actual results I’ve achieved after investing into them.

I co-founded as an educational platform with KCLau, my partner and together, we have empowered our subscribers from diverse backgrounds to build solid portfolios that generate dividends year-after-year.

During this Period, as I Continue to Build my Portfolio …

The MYR has depreciated by CAGR of 3.80% against the SGD and 3.56% against the USD over the last 5 years.

What it means for Malaysian stock investors is this - If you are earning a decent 4%-5% annual dividend yields in MYR, you are essentially “not earning much” after factoring in 3.80% or 3.56% in annual currency depreciation against SGD and USD. 

Personally, my dividend receipts are predominantly in SGD and I realised that having annual dividend yields of 4%-5% in SGD is very different from annual dividend yields of 4%-5% in MYR. Thus the need to diversify our wealth.

As Good as the Singapore Stock Market is, it has Several Limitations …

To its credit, Singapore has come a long way to become a financial hub and a popular destination for investors.
It worked hard to maintain political stability and has built a vibrant economy. Corporate governance in Singapore is strong. Its tax structure is favourable for dividend investing 

But the thing is ... Singapore is a small nation with 5+ million in population. Because of this, it has limitations in regards to talent pool, market size, and types of industries or trade that it is involved in.

Personally, as one who invested in Singapore for years, eventually, I would have invested in “most if not all” of the top 1% companies in Singapore. 

So, I figured that if I want to increase my portfolio diversification into global brands, more geographical locations, more industries... etc, I needed to explore into a larger marketplace. 

That would be the U.S. stock market.

KCLau, my “Boss” did just that and he has built himself a Sizable U.S. Stock Portfolio.

It is filled with many top 1% companies of the world: Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Costco, Meta and Berkshire Hathaway.

The key is not so much on “what stocks KCLau bought and now holding in his U.S. portfolio” as most of us would have heard and know of these top 1% companies. 

But rather, what brought KC successes are the principles adopted and due diligence done in building and managing his stock portfolio. 

As such, the question is not “what stocks to buy” but rather, what really and truly matters are: 

  1. What do you know “about these stocks” before investing in them? 
  2. What are the methods you would be using to value these stocks? 
  3. How long do you intend to hold onto these stocks? 
  4. What will you do if these stocks rise or fall in stock prices?

Case Study: Berkshire Hathaway

To illustrate, I’ll be walking you through KCLau’s actual investments into Berkshire Hathaway.

This is done on a step-by-step basis so that you get to pick our brains and assess our mentality and approach when it comes to stock investing. 

So without further ado, let’s begin.

Part 1: 2012-2018

KCLau initially stumbled upon Berkshire Hathaway in the year 2000. He candidly admits that he wasn't savvy enough back then to grasp the power of long-term stock investment as a superior wealth-building strategy.

It wasn't until 2012 that KCLau dived deeper into understanding Berkshire Hathaway. During this period, he became well-acquainted with the tenets of value investing, which, unsurprisingly, emphasized buying shares in solid companies and holding them for the long haul.

As part of his homework, KCLau closely studied how Berkshire Hathaway leveraged its insurance ventures to construct a diversified conglomerate and amass a stock portfolio valued in the billions. 📚💰

From his studies, KCLau discovered that, from 2000 to 2012, Berkshire Hathaway had reported the following:

  • Increased its group revenues year-after-year.
  • Delivered billions of dollars in net earnings year-after-year. 
  • Generated billions of dollars in operating cash flows year-after-year. 
  • Expanded its stock portfolio.

Due to its fundamental strength, KCLau bought his first shares of Berkshire Hathaway at US$ 120-130 per share in 2013. 

Subsequently, KCLau made a few more investments into Berkshire Hathaway Inc around US$ 150-170 per share in 2016-2017 as the stock’s businesses continued to improve. 

Then in August 2018, KCLau sold off all of his shares in Berkshire Hathaway for around US$ 200 a share each and used the proceeds as down payment to buy his residential property for US$ 555k in the U.S

Today, as KCLau had moved to Taipei, the home is tenanted for US$ 3000 a month and its price had appreciated to US$ 760,000 presently.

KCLau's house in the USA

Part 2: 2019 - Present

After KCLau sold off Berkshire Hathaway in 2018, he continued to keep himself updated on its business results as he planned to invest his money back into the company. 

He bought some Berkshire Hathaway in 2019 but the true opportunity came in 2020-2021 during Covid-19

At that time, Berkshire Hathaway fell below US$ 200 to US$ 170-180 levels, which was even lower than price he sold his shares in 2018. 

But in terms of its fundamental strength, Berkshire Hathaway in 2020 was more “solid” as compared to itself back in 2012 when KC Lau first bought it. 

This is because since 2012, Berkshire Hathaway had continued to: 

  • Increased its group revenues year-after-year. 
  • Delivered billions of dollars in net earnings year-after-year. 
  • Generated billions of dollars in operating cash flows year-after-year. 
  • Expanded its stock portfolio.

So in 2020-2021, KCLau found that Berkshire Hathaway was not only fundamentally “more solid than before” but also was undervalued at US$ 170-180 levels

Thus, armed with such knowledge, KCLau invested into Berkshire Hathaway confidently. When everybody are so fearful of the future due to Covid-19 lockdown, he just went in to buy more shares happily. 

As a result, KCLau is now 80%-100% up in capital appreciation for his shares in Berkshire Hathaway, which he bought 2-3 years ago. 

So, the chronology of transactions KC made in his investments into Berkshire Hathaway can be summarised as follows:

KCLau Mentions that His Biggest Regret

is that he wished that he know or learn about value investing much earlier in life.

KCLau first bought Berkshire Hathaway when he was in his early 30s. Before that, he tried stock trading and lost money in his early 20s. 

Then in his late 20s, he just parked his money in unit trust as he thought it to be less risky as compared to stocks. 

Just imagine that he knew about value investing in his early 20s, when he could invest in Berkshire Hathaway for US$ 50 a share.

His capital appreciation wouldn’t be just 80%-100% in 2-3 years, but 6-7x in a span of 20 years.

What If You Know How to Do This?

Can you see that you too could build a U.S. stock portfolio filled only with the top 1% companies of the world that continues to grow in value over the long-term?

You have just witnessed how KCLau did so by: 

  1. Focusing solely on the stocks’ business fundamentals. 
  2. Making sure that he didn’t overpay for them by doing stock valuation
  3. And holding them over the long-term (preferably forever).

Mastering this fine art of value investing would enable you to invest confidently as you could: 

  • Improve your chances of sustainable capital appreciation in line with the long-term business growth of these top 1% companies. 
  • Reduce investment risk as you avoid investing into stocks that are poor in fundamentals and are overvalued.

So, Where Do You Go From Here?

As I said, what KCLau and I do is “nothing new”.

 Today, millions of savvy investors have adopted the principles of value investing and achieve recurring dividends + capital gains from their stock portfolios. 

Such principles were proven to be learnable, workable and replicable. 

Since you know that “value investing” is what makes us successful, you now can start building your own portfolio by: 

  • Downloading annual & quarterly reports of your preferred stocks. 
  • Compile their key operating & financial data and figures 
  • Calculate their valuation ratios 
  • Build up your watch list and start investing. 

All of these information are free and readily accessible to all investors, including you and me. Hence, you can start right away ...

"But Ian ... I Don’t Have the Time to Study All of These Financial Reports.

Can I Skip This Process and Just Invest My Money in the U.S. Stock Market?"

Of course, you can. Who’s stopping you from doing so? 

You can find a suitable stock broker, open an account and start buying stocks in the U.S. stock market. That is what most people (the other 99%) do in the stock market. 

But such is not for us. 

This is because we have grown our portfolio sizes to 7 figures. We knew what’s working for us and we can confidently say that buying stocks aimlessly without due diligence and background checks is counter-productive, a huge waste of both time and money. 

Here is the thing. If you are in our positions, managing a multi-7 figure portfolios, how would you confidently separate good stocks that are income productive and grow wealth from bad stocks that don’t without reading financial reports? 

Also, how would you know if a stock is undervalued or overpriced if you don’t calculate valuation ratios? 

So as you can see, one thing is for sure. If you want to build, manage and sustain a significant stock portfolio, you cannot skip this process. 

You need to be “business-minded” in your investment decisions as investing is serious business. Sure, it takes time to learn, master and perfect the art of value investing. 

But isn’t that true with many things in life? For instance, if you wish to be a doctor, you need to spend years in medical school and complete your housemanship before qualifying as a medical doctor. 

It’s the same with other professions, be it accountants, lawyers, engineers, singers, athletes and so on and so forth. 

So, the bottom line is this - You cannot skip this process if you want to grow big and manage a 7 figure stock portfolio.

How Long Does it Take to Learn and Become a Value Investor?

Now, I’m not sugarcoating this to you.

Both KCLau and myself have spent 10+ years in learning and improving ourselves in this fine art of value investing. 

But here, we understand that hours a day in learning, studying, reading, calculating and evaluating stock deals for years is a long time and we don’t know exactly how confident you are when it comes to investing: Is it 20%, 30% or 50%? 

Well, what if we can walk you through the process of building a stock portfolio from scratch on a step-by-step? 

 Would that increase your confidence level to the 80% or 90% range? And also, what if you have access to my ongoing data compilation works and case studies of these top 1% companies of the world so that you could shorten the learning curve from 2-3 years to just 2-3 months? 

So, if you are interested to “Grow Big”, we are going to give a few of you that opportunity.

Here is What We Would Do in The Growth Vault Masterclass

Right now, we’re going to walk budding value investors through this masterclass known as Growth Vault.

As one of our students, we would go through a structured learning programme together to build a Growth Portfolio that is filled only with the top 1% companies in the world listed in both the NYSE and the NASDAQ. 

This is an implementation programme and by the time we are done, you would possess the skills and a complete strategy to build and manage your own U.S. stock portfolio independently with confidence. 

Here is a breakdown of what exactly we are going to do together:

Growth Vault Training Modules

You will get all these training materials:

  • Module 1: The “Big Money” in Stock Investing

    As mentioned, stock investing successes can be “copied”. Thus in Module 1, I’ll illustrate the rationale of how savvy investors could build their wealth in the long-term through a case study. From it, we’ll derive 3 key focus points to build and manage a profitable and sustainable Growth Portfolio.

  • Module 2: Five Viewpoints on Risks

    Is stock investing risky? Are you concerned about the ups and downs, bulls and bears or possible crashes in the stock market? Here, in Module 2, I’ll share how the top 1% stock investors deal with risk so that we can build ourselves portfolios that are profitable and sustainable over the long-term.

  • Module 3: The System to Build a US Stock Portfolio

    Today, there are 6,000+ stocks listed in the United States. Not all are investible. So here, I’ll share an effective system to identify the “top 1% companies” from others that aren’t profitable. This is so that we can be efficient in building portfolios as we place our focus on winners and save time, energy, and capital from losers.

  • Module 4: Fundamentals: Investors’ Guide to Reading Financial Statements

    The top 1% investors master the art of interpreting financial statements. This is because they want to find “great businesses” to own so that they could build wealth and reduce investment risks at the same time. Here, I’ll share with you how to read a stock’s annual reports so that you can find stocks that are financially solid independently. Once you’ve mastered this skill, you no longer need tips and recommendations to invest.

  • Module 5: Valuation: How Not to Overpay for these “top 1% companies”

    As fundamentally good these top 1% companies are, we don’t want to overpay for their shares. This is why we need to do stock valuation. Here, I’ll share 3 valuation metrics on determining if these “top 1% companies” are undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued. This allows us to buy shares of these companies at better prices than most investors.

  • Module 6: Managing Stock Price Volatility and Economic Downturns

    In the short-term, stock prices can be volatile and unpredictable. To most people, this is why stock investing is risky. But, to the top 1% investors, such volatility is an ally, a good friend that helps them to become richer. In this module, I would share how we can turn short-term price volatilities into “friends” of ours so that we can capitalise on “bargains, discounts and values” especially in economic crises and stock market crashes. If you are able to manage this, you won’t no longer fear investing in bad market conditions.

  • Module 7: Portfolio Allocation: Malaysia, Singapore and US Stocks

    In this module, I’ll share with you the major unique attributes for stocks listed on Bursa, SGX and the U.S. (NYSE and NASDAQ). This is so that you can craft and design your own stock portfolio according to their characteristics. As a result, we would be building stock portfolios that are balanced in terms of “Growth + Dividends + Liquidity”.

By then, you would be transformed into a Growth Investor who knows how to build and manage a Growth Portfolio filled only with the top 1% companies independently from scratch. 

Despite that, you may ask: Will it take me hours to sit down and study these annual reports from scratch every single day?” 

Well, I totally get it as that is what I was doing and am still doing till because I felt that the hours spent are worth it. 

But what if you are granted:

Immediate Full Access to Templates and Case Studies of these 25+ “Top 1% Companies” listed in the U.S.

Would that save you enormous amount of time as you are leveraging on my ongoing compilation works of key financial data and my write-ups on these stocks via my handcrafted case studies?

Feature #1: 10-Year Profitability + Balance Sheet Data

You’ll find out a stock’s long-term track record of delivering consistent growth in profitability and maintaining financial stability They include figures namely, sales, net income, long-term debt and calculation of ROE over the last 10 years.

Feature #2: 10-Year Cash Flow Management Data

You can assess a stock’s ability to generate operating cash flows consistently from its businesses. If a stock is able to do so, it would be able to invest for future growth and pay out dividends to its shareholders consistently over the long-term. 

Feature #3: 10-Year Operating & Segment Data

This is where you’ll be given a breakdown of a stock’s revenue and profits from each of its key business segments. This would allow you to know which of its business segments contribute the most to the stock financially. 

Feature #4: Five-Year Quarterly Data

I compile at least 5 years’ worth of quarterly results for each stock. This allows you to assess if a stock has delivered consistent growth in sales and profits on a quarterly basis. 

Feature #5: 10-Year Stock Valuation Data

I’ve prepared a table of past historical valuation ratios so that you can compare them with a stock’s current valuation ratio to determine if a stock is truly undervalued, fairly valued or overvalued at its current prices.

What’s in My Case Studies?

My case studies are handcrafted materials that offers a step-by-step guide to assessing a stock deal from scratch.

Each case study consist of two parts: 

Part #1: The Fundamentals 

It consists of the description of a stock’s business model, its annual and latest 12-month financial results, its balance sheet strength, and its updates on initiatives to further expand its businesses. This would allow you to have an all-rounded assessment of its business fundamentals. 

Part #2: The Valuation 

It consists of calculation of P/E Ratio, Dividend Yields and P/OCF Ratio for each stock and a comparison with its past historical valuation ratios. This allows you to perform proper valuation for each stocks and enables you to avoid overpaying for these stocks. 

At this point in time, I have shown you that it is possible for you to build a growth portfolio filled with only the top 1% companies listed in the U.S. without relying on tips, rumours, hearsays, brokers’ reports, and charting softwares. 

This can be done if you possess the right mindset, skill sets and a specific game plan to build wealth progressively via stock investing. 

So, if you are ready to get started, here is how you can sign up for this membership. The classes have been scheduled. The templates and case studies of 25 “top 1% companies” are now available in the Private Members’ Area.

What About the Price?

The retail price for the Growth Vault Membership is RM 999 / year.

If that sounds expensive, keep this in mind. Today, it costs you between RM 5,000-RM 10,000 to attend a 3-4 day workshop on either stock trading / investing in Malaysia. 

Even after the training, you are most likely going to be too overwhelmed to get started on your own. As investors, both KCLau and I believe that it takes time to learn how to invest and we don’t expect you to become an expert in 3-4 days. 

That’s not practical. So at Growth Vault, we designed our materials to be long-term companions that would guide you on a step-by-step basis to build your growth portfolio at a fraction of typical workshop fees. 

More importantly, once you acquired these skills, you own them for life. 

Now, if you are reading this, it shows that you have a desire to build wealth via stock investing and are serious in achieving results for yourself. We would like to see you succeed and thus, would be thrilled to know that you have gone through my work and used them to build yourself a top class stock portfolio and improve your financial lives. 

So, if you are willing to invest in yourself today, we would like to invest in you too.

Guarantee #1: 30-Days Money Back

First, I’m going to give you a no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee.

For the first 30 days of this membership, if you find that this programme is not a good fit for you, please contact our support team at [email protected], and we will give you a full refund promptly. 

We usually process a refund within 24 hours. But occasionally, if there is a prolonged holiday (like: Chinese New Year and Christmas), we beg your pardon if there is a delay. 

We would honour the cancellation according to the date of your email. But please do it within the first 30 days so that you’re assured that you won’t burn a single cent. That’s our Guarantee #1.

Guarantee #2: No Increment on Your Subscription Fee Ever

The retail price of Growth Vault is RM 999/year. If you subscribe it this round, you locked in the fixed subscription fee for life.

It means you’ll lock in the membership price at this rate for life

No increment. No price hike ever. Promised. This is UNLIKE Netflix subscription, Apple iCloud, Youtube Premium and 99% of all the other businesses that keep increasing their prices on existing customer. Here at, we will never do that. 

By the way, the subscription is on auto-renewal. So, if you want to cancel the membership, you don’t need to call us. 

What you can do is to send us an email ([email protected]) to inform. And we will cancel your access on the next due date and your auto-pay subscription.

Guarantee #3: Full Refund If Your U.S. Portfolio is Downed After 3 Years

The third one is where things get really interesting ...

Here Comes the Exciting Part...

Listen, we're not just trying to sign you up for another membership program—we've got something better in mind. We're on a mission to turn you into a winning investor. We want you to have a first-class stock portfolio, filled with the best U.S. companies.

Our dream? To hear that you've not just made money but that your wealth keeps growing over time.

 While we do our parts in create the tutorials and updating the materials, your part is to consume them and take action so that you can move towards reaching your investment goals. But, what do you mean by a full refund? 

And about that full refund question—let's put it this way: We're so confident in our program that we're launching a Growth Investing Challenge. Time to put our money where our mouth is! 📈💰

Growth Investing Challenge and How it Works

First, watch and follow along the tutorial videos made available in the Modules within the membership. They would equip you with the wisdom to make use of my ongoing updates on the 25+ top 1% companies contained in Growth Vault. 

Second, browse through the 25+ top 1% companies and invest in 5 of your preferred stocks in the list which fulfilled the following criteria:

  • Solid Fundamentals: Growth in Sales, Profits & Operating Cash Flows 
  • Reasonable Valuation: P/E Ratio <28 and close to its long-term averages 
  • Minimum Holding Period: 3 Years 

3 years (upon your purchase of the fifth stock), if you continue to hold on the 5 stocks and incur a loss in capital loss for the 5 stocks, we would offer a full refund of your payment for the membership at Growth Vault. 

So, please keep a copy of your investment statements. They would allow us to track and validate your investments should you wish to obtain the full refund due to an overall capital loss for the 5 stocks, even $1 loss will qualify you for the full refund.

Quick Example

For instance, if you join the membership on 1/1/2024 and invested RM 100k into the 5 stocks as follows:

3 years after 5/5/2024 (the purchase of the fifth stock), you continue to hold the 5 stocks and attain the following capital gains / losses (excluding dividends):

The market value of the 5 stocks is RM 70k, which is 30% below your investment of RM 100k. 

You can submit the statements to us, proving that you bought and held onto these 5 stocks for 3 years and we would refund you all of the membership fees paid for Growth Vault. That would be RM 2,752.

But What if I Sold Off Any of these 5 Stocks before the 3 Years? 

Let’s say you bought Stock A on 5/1/2024 and decided to sell it off on 5/1/2025 (holding period <3 years), that stock would not be eligible for the full refund. Why? This is because we’re promoting long-term stock ownership as a means to compound net worth. Remember: We are long-term stock investors, not short-term stock traders.

We Want You to Achieve Real Results

we have yet to see anyone who are willing to do this. So, why do we do so?

This is because we really want to focus on getting results. That to us is more meaningful than just to earn membership fees itself. 

We can’t wait to hear you share your success stories with us. So here, at bare minimum, you have a 30-day money back guarantee. You’ll lock in 31% discount for life and most importantly, if you incur any capital loss after holding onto 5 stocks for 3 years, you’ll be given a full refund of all the membership fees paid to us for Growth Vault. Click the button below to get started:

A fully secured checkout page will pop-up in a new window. So, you can fill it up and click submit. 

After making your payment, You’ll access the members area instantly. And that’s it. Watch the welcome video to get started, follow along the 7 Modules, and you can build a Growth Portfolio by referring to my templates and case studies on 25+ top 1% companies listed in the U.S. 

So at this point, let us recap the offer: 

You’ll be officially enrolled into Growth Vault, a membership programme that educates and empowers you to learn and build yourself a Growth Portfolio filled only with the top 1% companies of the world listed in the U.S. If you sign up before the deadline, you’ll lock in your the fixed subscription fee for life. No price hike ever. 

You’ll get a 30-day money back guarantee so that you can get a quick refund if the program is not suitable for you.

 Also, you’ll get a full refund for all the membership fees paid to you if you happened to invest in 5 different stocks (in our Growth Vault list) and incurred an overall capital loss after holding onto them for 3 years. 

Thus, I would like to invite you to get onboard the Growth Vault. So click the button below and get started, I’ll see you in the Private Members’ Area.


  • Is the payment set to automatically renew?

    If you opt for payment via credit or debit card, your subscription will auto-renew on the same date the following year—no muss, no fuss. However, if you choose to pay through a bank transfer, auto-renewal isn't an option. You'll need to manually send in your payment when it's time to renew for the next year. 🔄💳

  • When can I cancel my subscription?

    Feel free to cancel whenever you want. If you pull the plug within the first 30 days, you'll get a full refund, no questions asked. Decide to cancel after the 30-day money-back guarantee? No worries—you can still cancel at any time. The cherry on top? You'll maintain full access to the members' area until your next scheduled renewal date. 🗓️🔓

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    You've got two easy-peasy options:

    1. The Email Route: Just shoot a quick email to [email protected] and let us know you want to cancel. No need to call or Whatsapp us. We'll send you a confirmation email, and if you don't hear back within 24 hours, just ping us again at our support page.

    2. Do It Yourself: Prefer to handle things on your end? Just log in at, click your name or picture in the top-right corner, and go to "My Account." From there, hit the "Billing" tab where you can update card details or cancel the subscription.

    Heads up: Once you cancel, you'll lose access to the content when your billing cycle ends. 🗓️✅