From The Desk Of KCLau

the bestselling author of Money Smart

Dear Friend, Valued Customer, Fellow Investor & Future Success Story... If you are contemplating taking this course, take it! I’ve gone through it by having Peter Lim showing me what he does best – getting high return investing in the stock markets (regardless of local or global). NOW, I want to put you on my seat and discover the secrets from this master investor. The course give you the knowledge and confidence to build a solid portfolio which has excellent returns.

A little-known investing secret...

that grants you sleep soundly despite the market tanked on Covid-19 Pandemic

I’ll show you a little-known investing secret that  financial planners never learned for themselves about growing wealth, and the shockingly simple strategy that guarantees you’ll make money in the stock market without risking your capital.

In fact, with this secret…you’ll never be overwhelmed by the daily financial news, or emotionally disturbed by fluctuating stock prices, or afraid of losing money in stocks ever again.

Over the past 15 years, Peter has used this strategy to make millions for himself and for his family, friends and clients who invested in his fund.

From zero-knowledge to investing millions...

how you too, can follow our footsteps

Hi, my name is KCLau. I’m a financial educator, author, and trainer, with eight published books. I founded more than a dozen online financial courses, wrote thousands of articles for local magazines, newspapers and my blog at, and organized hundreds of online training sessions for Malaysia public. I had been invited by established organizations like AIA, Intel, Zurich Insurance, PIDM, Security Commission, Bursa Malaysia and ExxonMobil to talk about investment.

But you want to know something interesting?

I lost all my money in the first few stocks I bought.

It’s true.

I was 21 years old at the time, and my university friend asked me to open a trading account. I still remembered the time when a few of us standing beside our remisier, looking at the computer screen, and trying to get inspiration about which stocks would go higher. I merely pointed at a stock quote and my remisier execute the trade. I then banked in the money to fund the deal.

In the end, I don’t have anything left because the company went bankrupt.

Why not Unit Trusts?

The insiders' little secret that leaves you poorer

Subsequently, I bought a few other stocks, all based on rumours and tips from so-called insiders. Still, I lost almost everything I invested in the stock market. There was one time I bought shares based on the "tips" given by a good friend, whose brother is one of the directors of the listed company. Guess what? That’s the one time I lose the most money!

Later, I was involved in the financial industry. I studied Registered Financial Planner (RFP) certification. One of the modules is about investment. After going through that, I still didn’t know what’s the proper way to invest in stocks. So naturally, as a financial planner at that time, I always advise my clients to invest in unit trust. I told my clients that we are all no expert on investment, and we shouldn’t even try. So why not just let the fund managers do it for us?

S&P Dow Jones Indices released its SPIVA U.S. Year-End report that concluded over the 15-year investment horizon, 92.33% of large-cap managers, 94.81% of mid-cap managers, and 95.73% of small-cap managers failed to outperform on a relative basis. In layman term, the majority of fund managers don't beat the market. You are lucky if you had picked a fund that shines!

No Charting...No Speculation...No Risk...

In truth, I had pretty much given up on stock investing.

Then one day, almost by accident, I discovered the safest way of investing, that almost guarantee long-term profits, after acquainted with Peter Lim in Penang.

An almost laughably simple technique that requires no charting… no speculation… no risk… and absolutely no daily monitoring of stock prices.

In fact, with this tactic…

Peter and I get to sleep very well even though we invest millions of ringgits in the stock market right now. When the market crash during the 2008 subprime crisis, my friend Peter actually rejoiced and cheered all the way to the banks.

I almost couldn't believe it...

I used to get burnt by speculating on stocks price movement and thought that it is just another legal casino.

But now Peter had proven to me that stock investment can be very safe. We can protect our investment capital while having almost unlimited upside.

The result? I am now investing about RM6 million in the stocks market and never had a sleepless night when a country launched a missile, or terrorists attacked, or economic crisis.

My view about stock investing changed overnight. The best thing also happened to Peter. He used to be a broke graduate, but now he is enjoying a freedom lifestyle, helping his clients to invest more than RM100 MILLION in overseas stock markets, and all his net worth, and his family’s wealth in stocks too. And he is getting more than enough passive income to support his wife, who is a full-time housewife, with three kids. He sends his kids to international school, and he takes his family on overseas trips every year.

Our student Marcus and his family

bought 100,000 shares with average price HKD 6.42, and watched the stock price climbing up to over HKD 10.16

Our master trainer who had done it

not only with his own money, but for his clients too...

Today, I want to show you exactly how Peter did it. Peter Lim started Peter Partnership and began managing funds for its partners in March 2008. Peter Partnership started out by investing in Malaysian equities listed on the Bursa Malaysia and subsequently invest in the global market starting 2014.

Impressive 17.7% annualised investment return (after fees), outperforming benchmark of 10.7% over the period

After 2020 stock market crash (31st March 2020 till 31st December 2023, 3.7 years), Peter delivered 22.1% CAGR

Beating the market although S&P 500 (CAGR 19.7%) has had a bull run!

An investment mistake took place in 2020!

If not for this mistake, "Peter Lim" should have been a household name by now. And we will dedicate a module in this course to reveal what happened here, so you will forever avoid this mistake on your investment journey!

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Hey, I understand.

All I ask is you hold off from disbelieving long enough to see the evidence for yourself.

It will take just a few minutes, and will help you getting good returns through stock investing, using the safest way, the lowest-risk methodology.

I regret not finding it earlier

Bob Siow

Our investment student

In the midst of deceptive marketing on the internet nowadays, I find that the course is one of the very authentic courses that offer valuable content that is suitable for total beginners up until advanced level investors. I regret not finding it earlier, and I definitely recommend it for those who are interested in Value Investing.

If I hadn't met Peter Lim, I'd be a few millions poorer...

The first time I met Peter Lim was at the Starbucks Coffee at Penang Gurney Plaza.

We didn't bring any paper or pen. But our discussion had turned into something so interesting that we got to borrow a pen from the barista.

Then Peter started drawing on this Starbucks brochure. It is exactly the image you see on the left!

He showed me how he categorizes the companies into good, mediocre and bad, and the price into good, fair and also bad. He showed me how he shortlisted the good company to invest. Then how he buys those shares at the right price. Basically, he showed me the full picture - that how ordinary investor like you and me can invest confidently, safely, and profitably in the stock market!

He is trying to show more to me but we simply can't proceed any further than that without a computer to make sense of all the numbers!

He is so good at what he does and I am totally convinced of his investment method. It is not only safe, but very profitable at the same time! How could you lose when you buy great assets at a deeply discounted price?

Our first meeting had put the seed in my mind that I know this is what my readers and subscribers need to learn about stock investing! This is the holy grail!

12 months later, after several discussion, we started producing the materials for this course. We first launched a course called Bursa Method in 2012 and many students had benefited from our training ever since. 

And the good news is we want you to become the next SUCCESS Story!

Why we don't "trade" the market...

Why we don't "trade" the market... Look, here’s the cold, hard truth you won’t hear from your financial consultants:

The common belief of making profits by trading on the stock price movements will kill your chances of accumulating any real wealth in the long run!

In fact, using those “speculative” tactics of looking at trading volumes, price chart movement, candlestick pattern, Elliot Wave Theory, moving average, momentum trading, etc. is similar to betting. And you hope to do more winning bets so your overall trading plan will yield a positive return.

You don't play 1-on-1 against the professionals...

Apparently, the stock markets are full of intelligent people, who have Ph.D., CFA qualification, and years of trading experience trying to outperform each other.

If you see this, I think you are not a professional stock trader, are you?

The more you trade, the more commission you pay, the better chance you are making your remisiers or your brokers rich.

I play basketball, and I think I am pretty good at it. But I understand that there is no way I am going to play at the NBA level. I realised long ago that I wouldn’t even make it to my secondary school basketball team!

You can look at stock trading like sports too. Only the professional can make a living. And the truth is that most hedge fund managers who become millionaires and even billionaires, do so by charging their clients management fees and performance fees, not by trading with their own money.

That’s how the stock market works for the small group of industry players. They are the Lebron James, and we are the retail investors on the street. For sure, we don’t want to play 1-on-1 with the professionals.

So what can you do to make money in the stock market today?

It’s actually pretty easy: You simply do the exact opposite of what other stock traders are doing!

Here’s what I mean:

Most people will chase after the hot stocks that are covered by the media and analyst, only to end up buying stock usually on the high side.

Others have cut loss strategy that when a stock drop 10%, they will cut it loose, so they think they are minimising the downside.

But the richest and the savviest investors don’t do any of those things.

We do not sell when the good stocks in our holding drop 10%. Instead, we buy more since it is selling at a better bargain.

We do not chase any rumours or the next hot trends. Instead, we love those boring stocks that escape the analyst’s radar.

This method has produced many billionaires and millionaires investors, called Value Investing...

Here’s how it works:

Our investment method is based on the concept practised by the wealthiest investor Warren Buffett. He regularly writes to his investors about these three ideas:

  1. The active trading of stocks like buying today, selling tomorrow, or next month, and then repurchase it, is a constant friction that erodes your capital. Every time you transact, your brokers will be smiling happily.

  2. The easiest and safest way to make money in stocks is simply to hold a portfolio of good companies and let the business managers do their magic. The longer you own the shares, the higher it goes.

  3. To safeguard your capital, you buy stocks at the right price, with an adequate margin of safety. In layman term, you shop for a deep discount.

That’s it.

Everybody can do this, including you...

And no matter what all the other investment gurus say about timing the market, momentum trading, uptrend downtrend, etc., these are really the only truths you can absolutely count on to work forever.

And this truth is what took Peter from dirt broke to financial freedom in just a few years, and allow him to attract >RM100 million of investment capital from his clients, without any single advertisement, purely through word of mouth and referral.

And guess what?

You can learn how to do the same thing - no matter what your level of wealth you’re in, or if you just started working yesterday and yet to see your first paycheck.

In fact, when you practise Value Investing… you can immediately start your wealth accumulation journey that will work forever, whether you are investing RM1000, or RM100 million.

The holy grail method of seeing your wealth DOUBLE every few years.

This strategy is the “missing link” that multi-millionaires stock investors know that everyone else simply ignores, because it sounds boring!

And the funny thing is, finding great businesses and hold it for a very long time to tag along with their profit… is a LOT easier than you think.

WAY easier than analysing technical charts, getting scared by sudden stock price movement, and end up losing sleep due to anxiety.

And my friend, when you know how to do value investing like us… you go from being a small fish being eaten up by sharks… to becoming a “predator”, who won’t hesitate to grab undervalued stocks opportunities when it presents --- and even borrow a lot of other people’s money to increase your stake heavily, without getting nervous at all.

This makes buying stocks as easy and painless as shopping in the supermarket.

Basically, the saying that "the higher the return you want to get, you'll need to bear higher risk in investment" - is definitely not true. It might only be true to those who don't care about their investment.

To be good at it, you need to master how to invest for yourself, by yourself in order to maximise your returns and minimise your risk. Value investing is a simple strategy which allows you to buy great company shares at discounted prices.

This course shows you how to find those “great companies” at “sale prices”. Stop wasting money on fees, MERs, and commissions. Take charge of your investments and do-it-yourself (DIY) in a few steps.

As a value investor, you can maximise the return on every hard-earned ringgit you invest. This course empowers and inspires you to achieve your own financial success.

I recommend everybody to register for this program.

Jason See

IT Professional

When I looked at the enrollment fee at first, I hesitated to join the full course. But after going through the training, it was totally worth it! Now, I have more confidence in believing in my own investment decisions. In the program, I discovered how to look into annual report (That is like Greek to me at first).

I recommend everybody to register for this program.

Forever applicable regardless of how much money you have...

and say "NO" to all other fancy investments

Instead, you’ll start to speak like a business expert and true investor. Your friends, family, and in-laws will approach you for stocks tips. They will beg for your advice on how to “play” the stocks and make money like you do.

I see this happen ALL the time when our students shares their insight and knowledge with friends.

Once you go through this training, you get skills you can use for the rest of your life.

Skills nobody can ever take from you. Skills that are “timeless” — and that will work today, tomorrow… and probably even 100 years from now. You learn the technics to invest RM10k, RM100k, even RM10 million. It will be forever applicable regardless of how much money you are investing.

Introducing the VALUE MASTERS

You get a LIFETIME solution!

And while I can’t tell you all the secrets I’ve learned from Peter about raking great return on this page… there is now a way for you to get them quickly, easily and without ANY risk.

Here’s how:

We have put ALL this information into an easy-to-follow video tutorial series called:


This is the “secret weapon” of many of our existing members are practising right now as you are seeing this.

The exact “blueprint” we teach our students

to transform a dummy beginner into a seasoned value investor, in just a few hours of online training.

  • A simple and easy-to-follow evaluation method of researching companies listed in any stock exchange, e.g. Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, US, Europe, anywhere!

  • A long-term approach to consistently grow your investment while keeping risk at the minimum.

  • Real live demonstration using local companies and international stocks as examples of analysis

WAIT… This is not for you, IF...

But before you pay us any money, I want to make sure you are the right person to enroll to Value Masters. If you are the following types of investor, this course is really NOT FOR YOU:

  • It requires patience (sometimes wait for years for an investment to reach its intrinsic value). Thus, if you are an impatient person, or want quick profit (define as less than 3 years), then value investing is not for you

  • Another trait is be independent thinking. So, if you need consensus agreement to prove whether your analysis or purchase is correct or not just after you bought it, then value investing isn't for you. After all, if everyone agrees with you, then the demand for that stock would have been high, and how are you going to get it at bargain price?

  • Value investing is Dull, Boring and always the same. So, if you seek excitements or new concept/ flavour every month or so in your investments, then Value Investing isn't for you. And if you're into forecasting (be it GDP, interest rate, palm oil price, unemployment rate, etc.) or "story telling" (like Facebook going for mobile, etc...), then value investing isn't for you. Value investors simply seek to buy a dollar note for 50 cents. Not forecasting (or more crudely, "speculating")

  • Hard work is required for value investing. One successful value investor says, "Value investing is 70% hard work. The rest constitute 30%." . If you expect a course with "only 10 minutes a day" to earn 50% return a year, then this is definitely not for you.

  • You are looking for the Mind of a Investor, not mind of a Speculator. Buffett said in 1987 Annual Meeting to Berkshire shareholders, lf you're an investor, you're looking on what the asset is going to do, if you're a speculator, you're commonly focusing on what the price of the object is going to do, and that's not our game.

  • So, if you're into forecasting/ predicting/ speculating/ trading or just plain gambling on the stock price, then this Value Investing course isn't for you.

However, when you are not the above mentioned types of investor, we really welcome you onboard!

Our students Handy and Howard told us in the group chat

This course saves you time from hours of book reading

Before this, I knew nothing about investment and used to blindly follow what other remisier recommends.

Bryan Ngu

Kuching, Sarawak

Not until I came to discover it from Peter and KC's course. I should have known this course earlier before I could set into investment. The method of teaching is very easy to follow. No difficult financial jargons. All the module included is eye opening as it changes my mindset. I have to sincerely thanks KCLau and Peter Lim for bringing up this course.

You can duplicate the results...

Peter initially just uses the method to invest for his clients, because I have a vast database who would love to invest in stocks profitably, but don’t have the minimum capital of US$100k to engage Peter’s service…

In most cases, Peter actually had to turn people away - since they don’t have the US$100k to invest with him, why don’t they learn how to do it precisely like Peter?

So I eventually convinced Peter to put up his entire method into a training program, “stripped-down” manual that students can duplicate the result for themselves.

Eventually, I achieved a 14% return in 6 months (by the end of the year 2018) as a total beginner.

First of all, I would like to thank Peter Lim & KCLau for hosting this awesome online platform to help me to kick start my stock investment journey in the year 2018.

Peter Eow

I’ve learned how to “fish” myself by going through the Mental Checklist such as Business Evaluations, Management Evaluations & Price Evaluations.

Eventually, I achieved a 14% return in 6 months (by the end of the year 2018) as a total beginner.

This course is not just about stock investment but also helping you to live better and smarter regardless of whether you are a total beginner or veteran investor.

Our course has transformed hundreds of Malaysia investors

including college students, working professionals, homemakers, retirees and even people who had never invest a single sen before.

But you cannot get on this course on demand because we maintain a Facebook Group & Telegram Group chat and Peter goes through every student’s homework thoroughly. So there is a limit of student we can take on each time.

However, if we hear from you today… you’ll have the opportunity to instantly access, stream, download, listen and follow this powerful information immediately.

What's in Value Masters

Once you register as member, you get a unique login username and password to access all the materials listed here, for a LIFETIME! You can access these materials (videos, spreadsheets, PDF files etc) online 24/7, from anywhere, anytime with Internet connection.

    1. Why Must You Invest?

    2. Retirement Projection Ms Excel Spreadsheet

    1. [Video] Introduction to Value Investing

    2. Notes

    1. [Video] Right Mindset

    2. [Notes] Right Mindset & Examples of Good Companies Vs Bad Companies

    1. [Video] The Language of Business: Accounting Statements

    2. [Notes] Identifying Superb Companies, Understanding Financial Statements

    1. [Video] Understanding the Cash Flow Statement and Changes of Equity Statement, and What to Look Out For

    2. [Notes] Understanding the Cash Flow Statement and Changes of Equity Statement, and What to Look Out For

    1. [Video] Valuation and Decomposition of Stock's Returns

    2. [Notes] Valuation and Decomposition of Stock's Returns

About this course

  • RM1,997.00

Module 1

Introduction to Value Investing

You will learn the definition and philosophy of value investing, understand the historical context by studying influential investors like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett, and identify common traits among successful investors.

Module 2

Right Mindset

You will develop the right mindset necessary for successful investing. This means understanding the difference between investing and speculating, viewing stocks as fractional ownership of businesses, learning the concept of Mr. Market, and appreciating the importance of the margin of safety. These insights will help you approach investments with a disciplined and informed perspective.

Module 3

Identifying Superb Companies

You will gain the skills to identify high-quality companies worth investing in. This includes recognizing characteristics such as competitive advantages, market share, strong management, and low capital requirements relative to profits. You will also learn to evaluate business models to understand how companies generate revenue and maintain economic moats for long-term defensibility.

Module 4


You will learn how to properly evaluate companies' valuations to make informed investment decisions. This includes understanding growth metrics like revenue and profit growth and profit margins, assessing the sustainability of historical growth rates, and buying stocks with a margin of safety by comparing intrinsic value to stock price.

Module 5

Long-Term Holding Strategies

You will discover the benefits of long-term investing and develop strategies for holding investments. This module covers the buy-and-hold philosophy, managing emotional discipline to resist panic selling during market volatility, and effective portfolio management techniques, including diversification, rebalancing, and continuous monitoring.

Module 6

Case Studies and Practical Exercises

You will apply your knowledge through practical exercises and case studies. This involves analyzing real companies using the principles learned, creating and tracking a mock value investing portfolio, and regularly reviewing and refining your investment strategies to improve your skills.

Module 7

Avoiding Huge Financial Mistakes

You will discover how to avoid significant financial mistakes that could jeopardize your investments. This includes studying cases where super investors lost everything overnight, understanding the risks and rewards of leverage, and knowing what leverage strategies to use or avoid.

Module 8

Conclusion and Next Steps

You will wrap up the course with a summary of key learnings and guidance on continuing your education in value investing. This includes exploring additional books, articles, and courses to deepen your knowledge and encouragement to practice value investing in real life to build your financial future.

Ready to Master Value Investing? Sign Up for VALUE MASTERS Today!

Are you ready to take control of your financial future and invest with confidence? Join Value Masters and unlock the secrets of value investing. With our comprehensive course, you'll learn how to identify superb companies, evaluate their true worth, and build a portfolio that stands the test of time.

Hear what our students said

Zalida Hanim

Peter had taught me how to be a good investor. I would love to recommend his course to anyone who wants to be able to get good return on your investment.

Phyllis Pang

After going through Peter and KC's course, I have discovered another approach of analysing stock using a more conservative approach to try to find good, cheap and value for money stock. It may takes some effort but it is worth the time.

Boo Pee Puat

Apart from a better understanding of stock evaluation and selection methodology, the practical approach demonstrated and adopted by Peter Lim was indeed useful. I will be more than willing to recommend the course to friends who are interested in value-investment in the equities market.

Invest Smart with Our Course

Spot Top Investments with Ease

Just so you know, we usually charge RM10,000 for a 1-hour seminar on investment. So, charging thousands for this would be no problem at all. But don't worry, I’m not asking you to pay anywhere near that amount.

With our course, you’ll be able to confidently spot a company worth investing in, which could give you a conservative 10% annual return or more. Imagine investing RM10,000 now in a company share and getting RM1,000 back every year, with that amount growing 10% annually when you reinvest!

But here’s the best part: you can get started with our course for way less than RM10,000. Over the next few weeks, we’ll train you, provide you with the knowledge, and show you the tools to analyze and spot a worthwhile investment at a great price.

By the end of your first year, your returns could easily cover the cost of the course.

"Can't-Lose" Guarantee...

Plus, it comes with a 30-day, "can't-lose" guarantee:

If, within the next 30 days, you go through the first few modules and follow our method but still can't identify a value stock, we'll give you all your money back. We'll even cover any transaction fees.

Everything you learn, you keep—there's no way we can "unlearn" it for you. We’re all about 100% student satisfaction.

That means you have ZERO risk.

So, grab your spot now before it slips your mind!

Whenever you need a refund within the first 30 days of enrollment, just send us an email at [email protected]

Imagine earning consistent, double-digit returns

and having the peace of mind that comes with investing in solid, undervalued stocks. Our course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed, all without the need for expensive subscriptions or constant hand-holding.

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best dividends."

Benjamin Franklin

American scientist, inventor, statesman, printer, and philosopher (See him pictured in the US$100 bill)

Don't wait—seize this opportunity to transform your approach to investing

Sign up for Value Masters today and start your journey toward financial freedom and security. Remember, the sooner you start, the sooner you can see the returns. Let's invest in your future together.

Transform Your Wealth: Would RM10,000 Secure Your Future?

Would You Invest RM10,000 for Financial Confidence?

Let me ask you this: if all this training did was give you peace of mind when investing in stocks, which are usually seen as high-risk, would it be worth it to you?

Now, picture getting double-digit compound returns each year. Would that be worth RM10,000 to you?

Imagine having a net worth of RM1 million. A 12% return would give you RM120k per year, which is about RM10,000 per month in passive income. Would it be worth your time to finally learn how to achieve that for yourself and your family?


  • Is the course fee a one-time payment or a subscription?

    It's just a one-time payment. You pay once and get lifetime access to all the materials.

  • Stock Selection Criteria: Do I Need to Subscribe to a Stock Data Provider?

    We’ll recommend some tools to help you shortlist stocks for further analysis. There are both paid and free options available online, so you won’t need any additional paid subscriptions to benefit from this course.

    You can choose any data provider you prefer, but if you're unsure where to start, we can certainly recommend some for you. The good news is that these tools use public information, so no paid tool is necessary to identify potential investments.

    Remember, you don’t need to analyze thousands of stocks to get rich. In fact, many successful investors make their fortunes with just a handful of stocks. Personally, I've seen huge payouts from only three big winners.

  • Will Peter Lim Recommend Charting Software for Stock Investment?

    Peter will recommend some free sites and tools for stock investment, but it's important to note that this course focuses on value investing, not technical analysis.

    We don’t rely on volume traded or daily price movements. Instead, we buy stocks based on their intrinsic value, ideally at a deeply discounted price. So, there's no need for charting software—just a solid understanding of the value each stock provides.

  • Have You Personally Used This Value Investing Method for Your Own Stock Selection? Is the Return Promising?

    Yes, I personally invest using the value investing method taught by Peter in this course. The returns have been fantastic—over the past 12 years since I got to know Peter, my investment return has been greater than 15% per annum.

    But the real beauty of value investing is the peace of mind it offers. I feel secure and safe purchasing stocks based on their intrinsic value. I'm never afraid of a market crash—in fact, I get excited at the prospect of buying even more stocks at discounted prices during a downturn.

  • So if One Joins the VALUE MASTERS Course, Are They on Their Own for Stock Selection and Market Analysis?

    You will know how to make your own judgments. You will learn to fish, not be fed the fish. 🙂

    We won’t constantly guide you, but if you want continuous guidance, ongoing learning, or simply love hearing Peter talk, we do offer an advanced course for those who are interested.

    First, go through this course and see how you feel. You can decide on the advanced course later. There are no upsells once you sign up. Further courses are only offered to students who are ready for them.

Take the First Step to Financial Mastery with Value Masters!

Why wait? Start your journey towards financial independence today. Enroll in Value Masters and unlock the potential of your investments. Take action now, and let's build your wealth together. Secure your spot and start mastering the art of value investing!